Not everyone is living in sin

Have you noticed how sin is celebrated. Celebrated more than good!

When you live right, like God has commanded, people look at you like you are from another world.

But do you know that not everyone is celebrating evil. Not everyone is living in sin

Not every youth is fornicating, there are those who are keeping themselves pure. They care for the things that belong to the Lord, how to please the Lord

Not every man is seeing other women besides his wife! There are men who are honoring God by remaining faithful to their wives: loving them as the bible commands.

Not every person is lying over the phone. You know when your husband calls asking where you are and you say you are at home but you are at your friend’s house.

Not everyone is cheating to get good grade nor bribing to get a job! There are those who are getting jobs honestly. Others would rather remain jobless than bribe and sin against God.

Not everyone is not taking God seriously and is not available for God’s service!  There are people who give God the first priority in life. They close their businesses to attend to God’s businesses. They spend time in prayer and reading his word, increasing their knowledge in Him.

Even if pornography is just a click away not everyone is watching.

If you  think that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ will never happen and so you continuing in sin you could be alone because there are people who are eagerly waiting for his second coming. They are getting ready by keeping their garments spotlessly clean.

If you have met many pastors who are preaching another gospel other than the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and you cite that as a reason for not joining a church, you are wrong because there are those who are preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Don’t just continue living in sin because you think everyone is living in sin.

There are many who are living right, according to the will of God. Be one of them.

In the time of Prophet Elijah people rejected God and killed his prophets. Elijah thought he was the only one left but God told him that he has reserved 7000 prophets that have not bowed down to Baal nor kissed him.

Be one of the remnants, live righteously you are not alone. God has many more who are upholding his word, be one of them.

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